Executive Record Sheet
Date of Birth : 25 Jul 1975
Gender : Male
Date of Entry into Service : 24 Apr 2001
Date of Superannuation : 31 Jul 2035
Mother Tongue : HINDI
Languages known : ENGLISH
Mode of Recruitment : inducted
Present Grade : STS
Date of entry into present Grade : 5 Oct 2023
Present Designation : Deputy Director
Nature of post : Cadre
Domicile State : Uttar Pradesh
Place of domicile : LUCKNOW
Detailed CV :  View


Educational Qualifications
Degree University/Institution Subject/Subject of specialization Year of passing/completion Achievements
M. Phil
Post Doctoral
Professional Degrees ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY MBA 2019
Diplomas / Certificate Courses LUCKNOW UNIVERSITY PGDCA 1997


Whether Study leave has been availed by the Officer : No


Details of Posting in IES
Grade Designation Place of Posting Brief description of duties Date Total Time
JTS Research Officer MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTRY AFFAIRS Review revision updating of the Manual of Parliamentary Procedures in the Government of India. Work relating to functions of Parliamentary Secretaries, Study and preparation of Brochures on various Parliamentary matters. Advisory matters pertain to Ministries State Government on Constitutional issues. Drafting speeches and talking material for Ministers for use at various Parliamentary forums. Work relating to Policy issues, Parliament matters and Research work on the various letters, representation, reports etc. receive from other Ministries and Departments. Reports of the Administrative Reforms Commission. Revision updating of Handbook and Statistical Handbook. Revision work of Citizens Charter of Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. Revision of Induction material for training of the new entrant. 19 Jun 2020 - 28 Apr 2022 1 Years, 10 Months, 8 Days Cadre
JTS Assistant Director CABINET SECRETARIAT DBT implementation in 72 Schemes and 2 services across 16 Ministries, Departments. Monitoring of DBT data on DBT Bharat Portal, integration of MIS with DBT Bharat Portal. End to End Digitization, on boarding of DBT Schemes on UMANG Mobile App across Ministries, Departments and States UTs Issues of Aadhaar viz. Aadhaar Authentication, seeding, verification and examination of sections of Aadhaar Act for Notification of DBT Schemes, PMO meetings and reports, use of Aadhaar as Financial Address using Aadhaar Payment Bridge, timely payments including NACH, APB, etc, regular monthly reporting, etc. DBT implementation in 6 States namely Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Telangana. Issues of DBT with Ministries, Departments and various stakeholders like UIDAI, NPCI, DFS, PFMS, RBI, etc. 29 Apr 2022 - 4 Oct 2023 1 Years, 5 Months, 5 Days Cadre
STS Deputy Director PETROLEUM AND NATURALGAS PM Infrastructure project review on CPSE basis. Publication of Annual Bulletin on Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics, Matter related to infrastructure Project to the PRAGATI NIP, OCMS, PMO, Cab sec., MMC. Oil import dependency and import substitution. National Gati Shakti. Matter related to Goods and Service Tax, foreign Investment and FDI Cell, Double Taxation Issues. Matter relating to Mission Life. Standing Committee to the matters assigned. Matter related to Sectoral Group of Secretaries SGoS Resources 3. Matter relating to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan including Swachhta Action Plan. Ministry Dashboard NewOne, Inputs to the others on statistical and economic matters. 5 Oct 2023 - 08 Apr 2024
Till Date
5 Months, 2 Days Cadre
STS Senior Research Officer Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Compilation of reports on Telecom Subblockedion Data, The Indian Telecom Services Performance Indicators, Revenue and Usage Report of GSM, LTE and CDMA Full Mobility, Yearly Performance Indicators on Indian Telecom Sector 2018, Wireless Data Services in India. An Analytical report Preparation of Consultation Paper on Tariff Issues of Telecom Services, Telecommunications Tariff 63rd Amendment Order, 2018 and Digital Financial Services, Direct Carrier Billing Monitoring and review of tariff reports of the access service providers including fixed wireless, cellular mobile service and Broadband, Internet Services, Show Cause Notice, Directions and Orders, etc. Calculation of Significant Market Power, Total Cost, Average Total Cost for examination of Predatory Pricing with the help of ASR and Revenue and Usage Report, ARPU etc. Monitoring and review of tariff of International Private Leased Circuit Internet leased lines, Domestic Leased Circuits service. Matter related with International Telecommunication Union, RTI, Parliament, DoT, Ministry of Statistics, Ministry of Finance, RBI, NIPFP, and data compilation for various State Governments etc., USSD based Mobile Banking and payment services, Bharat Bill Payment System. 14 Jul 2016 - 15 Jun 2020 3 Years, 11 Months, 2 Days Other Deputation
Autonomous Body of DoT


Personal/Study Leave (if any) :



Details of In Service training (Both Domestic and Foreign whether debarred from foreign training, if so, the details thereof) attended by the officer sponsored by the cadre.

Year Name of the training course Name of Institute Venue Period of Training
(in weeks)
2021 Induction Level Training Progamme Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi 06th September to 1st October, 2021

Details of Training Programme attended by the officer sponsored by the Ministry/Department in which they were posted

Year Name of the training course Name of Institute Venue Period of Training
(in weeks)
2020 Digital Workplace, Essentials for Non IT Executives National Productivity Council Goa 10th February, 2020 to 14th February, 2020
2019 Human and Technical Capacity Challenges through Digital Skills International Telecommunication Union Delhi 29th July, 2019 to 1st August, 2019
2019 Capacity Building and Sharing of Best Practices in Policy, Regulation and Development International Training Programme for ASEAN Delhi 18th to 12th November, 2019
2018 Advanced Spectrum Management for Mobile Telecommunications GSMA Capacity Building, United Kingdom Telecommunications Academy Accredited Delhi 11th October, 2018
2016 Telecommunication Policy and Regulation Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Continuing Education Program, CEP Delhi 1st October, 2016 to 30th November, 2016
2015 Knowledge Co Creation Programme Young Leaders, Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Promotion Course for India Japan International Cooperation Agency under the International Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Japan International Cooperation Agency 26th November, 2015 to 08th December, 2015
2014 Project Management MSME Technology Development Center, Agra Chennai 10th to 14th November, 2014
2010 Induction Training Programme on MSME Promotion for DC, MSME Officials National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Hyderabad 18th January, 2010 to 12th March, 2010


Any specific area or subject where the officer would prefer to be trained, for current assignment and for long term career progression.

Training for Current assignment : Data Analytics and API integerations
Training for Long term Career Progression : Use of AI & ML in Economic issues


Publication & Awards

Please mention contributions, if any, like publication of articles in journals/ publication of books/paper presentations in seminars or workshops or conferences by the officer during the tenure in IES.

Nature of Activity Name Topic Description Year of publication


Area of specialization of the officer Grade No. of years of specialization gained
Research, Data processing & Analysis JTS 2 Years
Energy STS 1 Years


Specific area of interest/field of work where the officer would prefer to be placed.
Financial Markets, Public Finance, Health Economics, Capital Markets, Tourism

Subject/Area or topic preferred by the officer to deliver a lecture, whenever required.
Research, Data processing & Analysis, Energy



For the correctness of information provided in the ER sheet, the concerned officer is responsible.IES Cadre, Department of Economic Affairs or the National Informatics Centre will not be responsible for any decision or claim that is based on the basis of displayed data.
This profile was last updated on: 8th Apr 2024


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